My name is Anthonia Eyram Agbodah. I am 11 years old and the head girl for the primary department of my school. I am also the book prefect in my class (year 6 sage). I held the position of the lunch prefect when I was in year 5. I have two younger siblings and parents who love to read my stories and have fun with me.

I recently started writing when my mother put me in for extra literacy classes in year 5 and it became a habit for me. As my parents started to see my stories improve I thought it would be a good idea to have a platform where I can share my stories with the world.

I am a huge fan of the writer David Williams and hope I can write stories as well as him. I don’t always write stories though, I love playing acting roles and I am in the drama club in my school. Sometimes when I don’t have anything to do, I either watch TV or study

I find scary, fantasy and adventure stories quite interesting, but I don’t only write those kind of stories, I also write stories about romance and other genres. Up till now I still do extra classes with my teacher. My friends and classmates find my stories interesting and amazing and I hope you feel the same after reading my stories.