Hi there, I’m Emma Lockwood from Florence in Italy. I know what some of you Italians are thinking, who would name their child Emma? sure its not a common name, but its not my fault I’m not originally from Italy. so where am I really from? I have no idea so the only thing left now to do is ask my older sister ‘Emilia Lockwood’ for some information on my birth history.

I walked down the squeaky clean stairs to my lovely caring older sister Emilia. I sat down comfortably next to my sister and pulled a mischievous grin up my chubby yet soft face and asked

“oh wonderful sister, would you kindly tell me where I was born in this huge world?”

Suddenly, she started to look quite nervous then gulped loudly and replied,

“W-what makes you think you weren’t B-born in Italy?” Emilia stammered “In fact W-why don’t we go for some ice-cream instead of talking about boring birth history, don’t you think so?”

Emilia was acting a little abnormal, that meant it was time for plan b and plan ‘B’ was ask Mr and Mrs Lockwood.

I looked across the room, outside, my mom and dad were seated on the garden chairs eating pizza and drinking my left over orange juice from breakfast. I ran outside and screamed


My mom looked at my father sadly and said, “we have to tell her”

My father took a deep breath and said, ” Honey you are getting older and older by the second and your mother and I knew that one day we would have to tell you that- you are adopted”

I froze in shock I felt like my whole life was a lie. My life flashed before my eyes before I dropped in shock and everything went blank…


  1. admin

    Hello Anthonia fans, just wanted to say that in this story Emma finds out that she was is Italian because her name is not Italian so she sets out to find the truth, but you will not believe what happens to little Emma when she finds the truth about her birth history.

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